
台風10号への対応について<Response to Typhoon#10>
お知らせ, 在校生・保護者の皆様へ



9/1(日) 16:00 寮生帰寮
9/2(月) 通常時程

※1.中学1年生は8:35までに登校(7:30 までに登校する中1生は 8:20 まで自教室にて朝活動)



8:35 始業式(テラスにて ※天候によっては実施方法を変更します。) 
9/3(火) 中学1年生~高校2年生 : アチーブメントテスト,高校3年生 : 通常授業

ただし、今回の台風に伴う「暴風雨の影響」は広範なエリアにわたっており、報道されていますように関東地方のあちこちでも強風・大雨・浸水被害が多発している状況です。生徒・保護者父母等の皆様におかれましては今後の天候や予報、周囲の状況に鑑み、安全に留意してお過ごしください。また明日以降の公共交通機関やアクアライン等道路網の運行・通行状況によっては、「登校困難時の対応」に則り、安全に留意して行動して下さい。 遅刻や欠席をされる場合は、学校・寮へ電話やメール等でお知らせください。

Typhoon No.10 has weakened to 996 hPa as of 6:00 am on 8/31 (Sat.), and its storm zone has already disappeared. According to the forecast, the typhoon will remain around the Kinki region early tomorrow morning (Sunday, 9/1), and the direct impact of the typhoon on the Kanto region is expected to be extremely small. Therefore, the first events of the second semester will be held as scheduled.

9/1(Sun) 16:00 Boarding students return to their dormitories

9/2(Mon.) 7:30 a.m. Classes will begin on the regular schedule.
1st period: LHR
8:35 Opening Ceremony (on the terrace ←In case of stormy weather or high temperatures, it will be done through On-premises broadcasting facilities.
After the 2ndperiod: Regular classes

9/3(Tue) J1-H2 : Achievement Test / H3 : Normal classes

However, the “effects of the storm” associated with this typhoon are spread over a wide area, and as reported, there are many cases of strong winds, heavy rain, and flooding in many parts of the Kanto region. Students, parents, and guardians are asked to be aware of the weather, forecasts, and surrounding conditions, and to stay safe. Also, depending on the operation and traffic conditions of public transportation and the Aqualine and other road networks from tomorrow onward, please act safely in accordance with the “What to do if you have difficulty going to school” policy. If you will be late or absent, please notify the school or dormitory by phone or e-mail. Thank you.