暁星国際中学校・高等学校の募集要項のページを更新しました⇒ click!!



Gyosei International’s 3rd annual junior high school speech contest took place Wednesday 24th June. 22 junior high school contestants battled it out for a place in the Kimitsu Area Speech contest later this year. This year had a fantastic range of speeches; from the very comical to the historical and awe inspiring. And we thank all the participating students for their great deliveries. Unfortunately, only the first place contestants from each category can make it through to the Kimitsu competition (listed below).

1st Grade Recitation: J1A S.O. & H.Y.

2nd Graded Recitation: J2I R.K.

3rd Grade Recitation: J3A K.A.

Original Speech: J3A A.H.

We would like to say a huge congratulations to all the winners and wish you all the best of luck in the Kimitsu area competition!

Finally we would like to thank all the teachers who helped with the competition and everyone who came to watch. We look forward to seeing you all again next year.

